Coping with Grey Winters: How Home Decor Helped Me Through

Coping with Grey Winters: How Home Decor Helped Me Through

When we decided to move to western Canada I was so excited to get away from the cold winters. I was however nervous about the grey rainy winters of British Columbia. It wasn’t long before I realized that I needed to find ways to cope with the gloominess, and one of the ways that helped me the most was through home decor.

It’s no secret that the environment we surround ourselves with has a profound impact on our mood and overall well-being. When we’re surrounded by beauty, light, and color, we feel more energized and uplifted. And this is precisely why I started to focus on creating a cozy and vibrant living space that could help me get through the winter months.

One of the first things I realized is that I needed to make our home as bright and energetic as possible one room at a time. So one of the first projects I did was sand down and paint every bedroom door, closet door, bathroom door, bi-fold door…. basically if there was a door it was painted. I chose Behr Cabinet, Door and Trim paint in white. See below for before & after photos!

Additionally I invested in some colourful throw pillows and blankets. I chose bright and cheerful patterns that added pops of colour to my living room and bedroom. These items not only made my space feel more inviting, but they also helped to lift my mood on even the dreariest of days. I found myself curling up with a good book and a warm blanket, feeling more content and happy than I had before.

I also added some string lights and candles to my space. These items not only added some warmth and coziness to my home, but they also created a soft and calming ambiance. I found myself feeling more relaxed and at peace, even on the rainiest of days.

Finally, I invested in some art that I loved. I chose pieces that made me feel happy or inspired, and that added a bit of personality to my space. Seeing these items on my walls reminded me of the things I love and the experiences I’ve had, which helped to boost my mood and make me feel more connected to my new home.

Overall, I found that focusing on home decor was a simple yet effective way to cope with the dreary, rainy winters in the Fraser Valley. By adding colour, warmth, and personality to my space, I was able to create a cozy and inviting environment that helped to boost my mood and make me feel more content and happy. If you’re struggling with the winter blues, I highly recommend taking a similar approach and investing in some home decor that makes you feel good. You might be surprised at how much of a difference it can make.

First is the photo taken by the realtor and second is after I had sanded the doors down:

After sanding and priming it still took a good 3 coats of paint to get it looking perfect. All well worth the effort! And yes, I know I’m a bit of a messy painter!

And here is the finished product!

I also upgraded all the door hinges and knobs for a more modern look.

You may have also spied different light fixtures; thats a post for another day! I just love how this brightened up our hallway. Next up to paint the walls here and in the living room!

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