How to Update a Guest Bathroom on a Budget

How to Update a Guest Bathroom on a Budget

When it comes to home renovations, updating the bathroom is often at the top of the list. Whether you’re looking to sell your home or simply want to refresh the space, a bathroom renovation can make a huge impact on the overall look and feel of your home. One of the most effective ways to give your bathroom a facelift is by updating the lighting and paint colour. In this blog post, I’ll explore how to update the look of your bathroom with a few simple tweaks.

Step 1: Choose Your Paint Color

The first step to updating your bathroom is choosing the right paint colour. Behr has a wide range of paint colours to choose from, and I love the quality of their paints. Lighter colours make a small space feel larger and more open, while darker colours can make a space feel smaller and more enclosed. Some great options for a bathroom include Behr’s “Palais White,” “Polar Bear,” or “White Metal.” We have beautiful white double bead Wainscotting already on the walls so I wanted to add a bright pop of colour. After taping a bunch of swatches to the walls and through the process of elimination I decided upon Behr’s “Marjoram”.

Step 2: Select Your Lighting

Once you’ve chosen your paint colour, it’s time to select your lighting. Home Depot has a variety of lighting options, including vanity lights, sconces, and overhead lighting. The type of lighting you choose will depend on your personal preferences and the layout of your bathroom. If you have a small bathroom, you may want to consider installing overhead lighting to create the illusion of more space. If you have a larger bathroom, vanity lights or sconces may be a better option for creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. I chose this light LINK LIGHT – . I chose this light because I love the look of natural wood in a room and of course love the black accent. I felt that a light like this could only be pulled off in a guest bathroom and I love it!

Step 3: Install Your Lighting and Paint Your Walls

Now that you have your paint colour and lighting selected, it’s time to install your new lighting and paint your walls. If you’re not comfortable installing lighting fixtures, consider hiring a professional to ensure they’re installed safely and properly. Once your lighting is installed, it’s time to paint your walls. Make sure to properly prep your walls by cleaning them and filling in any holes or cracks before you start painting. My hubby changed out the light for me and because its such a small room I was finished painting in about 4 hours. I did however prime over the dark blue beforehand.

Step 4: Enjoy Your New Bathroom / Small additions

With the new lighting and paint colour, our bathroom feels like a brand new space. I was amazed at how a simple renovation like updating the lighting and paint colour can transformed our bathroom. I also picked up a cute toilet paper holder from Dollarama and added a hand towel ring from Amazon – LINK TOWEL RING

Updating our bathroom with Home Depot lighting and a brighter Behr paint colour was an easy and affordable way to refresh the space. By following these simple steps, you can transform your bathroom into a bright and inviting oasis too. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your lighting and paint choices to make the space truly your own. Happy renovating!

Realtor photo
New Light installed, now time to change the colour
Looking and feeling so fresh!

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