How Many Bathrooms?

How Many Bathrooms?

Moving to a new home can be both exciting and stressful, and one of the major factors that we considered when looking at places was the number of bathrooms. It’s easy to take bathrooms for granted, but having enough of them can make a big difference in your daily life. We had previously lived with only 1 bathroom so I was really hoping to find a place with a least 2 bathrooms. In this blog post I’ll explore the benefits of moving from a 1 bathroom house to a 4 bathroom house.

More Privacy and Convenience

One of the most obvious benefits of having more bathrooms is increased privacy and convenience. In a 1 bathroom house, there’s often a rush in the morning as everyone tries to get ready for work or school. With only one bathroom, it can be difficult to get the time and space you need to get ready without feeling rushed or stressed.

Having multiple bathrooms in a home can help to reduce this morning rush, allowing everyone to get ready at their own pace without worrying about someone else needing the bathroom. This is also be a big plus when entertaining guests, as it can help to avoid lines or awkward waiting situations.

Less Cleaning and Maintenance

With more bathrooms in a home, each bathroom gets used less frequently, which means less wear and tear on the fixtures and fittings. This can help to reduce the amount of cleaning and maintenance needed, which can be a big plus for busy families.

In addition, having multiple bathrooms means that each bathroom can be designated for a specific purpose, such as a guest bathroom or a kids’ bathroom. This can help to keep the bathrooms cleaner and tidier, as they won’t be used for multiple purposes.

Increased Home Value

Finally, having more bathrooms can also increase the value of your home. Buyers are often willing to pay more for a home with multiple bathrooms, as it can be seen as a sign of luxury and convenience.

If you’re planning on selling your home in the future, having multiple bathrooms can be a big selling point. It’s important to note, however, that adding additional bathrooms to a home can be expensive, so it’s worth considering the cost-benefit analysis before making any major renovations.

Moving from a 1 bathroom house to a 4 bathroom house can have a big impact on your daily life. With increased privacy, convenience, and less maintenance, it’s no wonder that many people consider the number of bathrooms when searching for a new home. Needless to say I was ecstatic to have so many bathrooms in our new place!

Before & After

Here’s a brief look at what I did to upgrade our small guest bathroom. Check out my other blog post for detailed look at all the changes.

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