Not in Kansas Anymore

Not in Kansas Anymore

Hello everyone,

As a former Manitoban who recently relocated to the Fraser Valley, I can attest to the fact that the change has been significant in many ways. From the climate to the lifestyle, there are numerous differences between the two regions, but overall, I must say that I have been enjoying my new home.

One of the most noticeable differences between Winnipeg and the Fraser Valley is the weather. Winnipeg is known for its cold, harsh winters and hot summers, while the Fraser Valley experiences mild winters and warm summers (although lately they’ve been super hot). As someone who loves spending time outdoors, I appreciate the milder weather in the Fraser Valley, which allows me to explore the great outdoors all year round.

Another major difference is the landscape. Winnipeg is located in the middle of the Canadian prairies and is known for its flat terrain, while the Fraser Valley is nestled between the Coast Mountains and the Cascade Mountains, offering breathtaking views of mountains, forests, and rivers. The scenery in the Fraser Valley is stunning, and there are numerous hiking trails and outdoor activities to explore. We’ve actually gone “hunting for waterfalls”; the kids love it!

The lifestyle in the Fraser Valley is also quite different from Winnipeg. Winnipeg is a bustling city with a population of over 700,000 people, while the Fraser Valley has a more laid-back vibe with a population of around 300,000. People here are friendly and welcoming, and the community feels more tight-knit.

One of the things that I appreciate the most about the Fraser Valley is the emphasis on local and organic food. The region is known for its abundant agriculture and the local markets are filled with fresh produce, meats, and other locally made products. This focus on sustainable and organic living has been a pleasant change from the industrialized food system in Winnipeg.

Overall, moving to the Fraser Valley has been an exciting adventure filled with new experiences, landscapes, and people. While there are certainly differences between my former home and my current one, I have come to appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of each place. I look forward to exploring more of the Fraser Valley and seeing what other surprises it has in store for me.

Check out the lifestyle section of my blog for more BC experiences!  

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